In this episode:
- longtime listener Esteban in Florida returns!,
- difficulties keeping track of listeners,
- nicknames for Paunch listeners,
- where do our topics come from?,
- Rob’s pop culture deficiencies,
- our Stan Lee impersonation,
- a 1977 Stan Lee interview on video,
- our old recording secrets,
- Paunch in Time (Cuban Missile Crisis),
- the genesis of Esteban’s Roboplastic Apocalypse podcast,
- Esteban meeting legendary cartoon voice actors at conventions,
- Gregg Berger (Grimlock from The Transformers) disrespected by cosplayers,
- the location of Botcon conventions,
- old age of Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, and Michael Bell,
- will they turn grey when they die?,
- our thoughts about meeting and interviewing quasi-celebrities,
- tidbits about our Ted Danson and Ed Begley Jr. interviews,
- the Paunch Show archive,
- the Target Deli,
- the backstory of Rob meeting Britta Phillips in 2003,
- the Old Jingles of the Episode (“Galaxy Glue” song from The Incredible Shrinking Woman and the theme to Zoobilee Zoo),
- Esteban seeking out Optimus Prime’s creator,
- Transformers model kits by Revell,
- the reason certain robots in Transformers catalogs never appeared in the cartoon,
- our review of the Transformers: Prime animated show (slow pacing, Frank Welker’s Megatron voice, lack of robots, etc.),
- Hasbro’s poor handling of the Transformers franchise,
- our review of the new ThunderCats series on Cartoon Network (art and music quality, non-talking Snarf, strong backstories, etc.),
- Esteban meeting and aggravating Larry Kenney (original voice of Lion-O),
- people not posting their photos of celebrity encounters online for the public to see,
- the Beardo,
- our brief review of the new Tron: Uprising cartoon,
- newly released “classic” yet low quality Voltron toys,
- the complicated origins of the original Voltron cartoon,
- the Transformers Generation 1 re-released toys,
- and other 1980s robot toys that deserve credit (Gobots, Robo Force, Zoids, and Starriors).
200th Episode Bonuses from the Achrive!
Finally, it’s the video of Greg and Rob interviewing Ed Begley Jr. in 2008, from Episode 101!
Our long unseen video commentary of the disappointing WBHS Belleville NJ public access TV station’s 25th anniversary celebration in 2006, from Episode 41!
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i think this may be the longest show you have recorded; esteban is so infectious in his enthusiasm – it was as if you two were guests on his show! thank you so much for providing information and entertainment all these years, and a heartfelt congratulations on your 200th episode.
David, thank you for being a fan! I think it’s definitely the longest. We trimmed very little actually, and when I listened to it all the way through, it moved freely and didn’t drag so we left it intact as one episode. Especially since it’s almost all the same topic. Esteban brings a lot of passion about toys and those old cartoons. He’s also very adept at reviewing things like those critically.
Thanks David, that means a lot! I’m amazed, honored, and happy that people throughout the world enjoy our silly (and sometimes informative!) conversations week after week.
Esteban is the Frank Nora of Florida. Both are interesting people and excellent solo podcasters. They’re welcome on the Paunch Stevenson Show any time. Even though we’ve never actually met Esteban, I consider him a friend and hope to one day hang out with him in real life. You too, David.
Here’s to another 200 episodes of old childhood memories, Stan Lee and Paul McCartney impersonations, celebrity deaths, competitive eating updates, Michael Bay bashing, philosophizing about life, and wondering “What Ever Happened To?”.
Congratulations! 200 episodes is one heck of a milestone. I’m sure there’s a “200 Man” Stan Lee impersonation somewhere in this one. “Hey web slingers, I’m 200 Man! I beat any evil doers numbered 1-199!”
Great. Now I’m doing it. Consider that your 200th Episode Gift from me to you.
Congratulations on your 200th, gentlemen. Still enjoying every episode!
Steve, thanks for the gift :) We’ll have to do something special to celebrate Stan Lee’s 90th birthday in December! I can’t name many other people that age who are so active with Twitter, Comic Con, etc. He’s incredible, fantastic, amazing, and mighty.
Neal, thanks for listening all these years. In podcasting years, you, Greg, and I are Stan Lee’s age!