In this episode:
- custom ring-back tones,
- Arbor Day,
- the JumpSnap ropeless jump rope,
- the U-Force by Broderbund,
- legal action against the Chi Iota Colony fraternity for refusing to let a woman join,
- the upcoming Charles in Charge season 2 DVD boxed set,
- the upcoming movie Transformers 2 (2009),
- Transformers (2007) released in IMAX with two bonus minutes of footage,
- the cartoon series Voltron: Defender of the Universe,
- the Voltron: Revelations DVD,
- a get-rich-quick scheme,
- William Shatner narrating audio books,
- and chain letters.
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Oh god ringtones are so pretentious. I can appreciate phones not all using the same annoying ring but this is stupid. I have to hear crappy 80’s video game quality renditions of the latest Britney Spears songs whenever some punk kid in the mall gets a phone call.
I saw the Transformer movie in IMAX and it was horrible. Anyone who thinks they like Megan Fox will change their mind after they see her awful complexion and gigantic mustache. The two extra minutes are a joke, too. It was all mostly scenes of that guy that looks like Johnny Knoxville doing nothing important.
To this day I don’t see the appeal of the Voltron show. It’s just five identical looking guys getting into five identical looking robot lions fighting the same identical looking giant monsters for 200 episodes.
Esteban, I agree that ringtones are annoying, but I was talking about a new thing called ring-back tones. Some people have their mobile phones set up so that when I call them, I hear music in my phone while I wait for them to answer their phones. Why?
I figured you’d be a Voltron fan, but I guess not all robots are equal. I was a fan when I was younger, but I don’t think I’d be able to sit through more than an episode or two now. The animation and production values weren’t as good as The Transformers.
Oh my god that’s even 10,000 times worse than what I thought. Do people really have to customize every facet of their existence? What’s next-personalized toilet flush sounds?
Voltron was decent for maybe the first five episodes, then it became an endless merry-go-round of monster of the week style stories. I am waiting for the eventual DVD release of GoLion, the unedited original show.
Actually the I think Transformers animation was only good for the first season of 12 episodes. It became a pretty crappy cartoon once they switched over to Akom, the animation studio that currently produces the Simpsons. Akom’s style is only slightly better than stylized caveman drawings. The third season looks mostly horrible, but that first season in ’84 was GOLD!
Hello! I am thoroughly impressed with your knowledge of Transformers.
give me vehicle force ‘voltron’ over lion force any day. sorry about posting such controversial opinions.