In this episode:
- Crocs plastic beach clogs getting stuck in escalators,
- O.J. Simpson’s arrest for robbery on September 16, 2007,
- sports card store customers vs. video game store customers vs. comic book store customers,
- the upcoming Led Zeppelin reunion in London on November 26, 2007,
- Van Halen,
- the season premiere of Heroes,
- NBC’s upcoming remake of the Knight Rider TV series,
- Turbo Teen,
- Cavemen on ABC,
- celebrity deaths (Luciano Pavarotti, thanks to,
- Saved by the Bell: The College Years,
- different colored jeans,
- and Screech.
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One thing I don’t get is how Led Zepplin has fans from other generations. I’m 33 and I always felt like Led Zepplin was a band for people my grandfather’s age. They’re a dead franchise that gets little to no radio airplay except for the same two horrible songs yet somehow young people are all excited about this reunion. The Rolling Stones may be old but at least they kept putting out albums into the 90s. I don’t understand how Led Zepplin has any living fans besides people who are trying to be ironic.
I’ll give the Caveman show a full season of 13 episodes or however many before it gets canceled. Mostly because the handful of people who watch TV are dumb.
Did you guys know there’s a Dustin Diamond sex tape? I found out about it when a guy who dealt in that kind of stuff recently made the news for killing himself after trying to extort Tom Cruise.
Greg mentioned that Dustin Diamond video tape briefly in our conversation, but I edited it out because I didn’t believe him. How could that actually exist?!
I’m still watching Cavemen. It’s a decent show, but it isn’t very funny. I don’t think it should be considered a comedy.
I like some Led Zeppelin songs, but I’m a much bigger Beatles fan. You must feel the same way about them though. I grew up listening to music from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, even moreso than music from the 1980s, so listening to old music isn’t strange to me.
Regarding Van Halen, my boss just showed me a video this morning of a recent Van Halen concert in North Carolina. Eddie Van Halen’s guitar was out of tune during several songs, including “Jump.” Some fans speculate that he was drunk that night. Check out the train wreck:
Esteban, while I am a huge fan of the Stones, like most Stones fans, I don’t listen to anything they have done since the 1970’s. After that it’s all repetitive. As for Led Zeppelin, they are consistently the most popular and acclaimed classic rock or hard rock band in the US and UK. I don’t know about other countries. If anything, they get too much airtime on classic stations. I have a CD set of their full catalog and I would say that 15-20 songs are easily incredibly good. If you appreciate blues rock they are the pinnacle (other than Clapton). Their music is strikingly unique and exciting. They are obviously part of my parent’s generation, but so are most of the other songs I listen to. Rock music has been just about junk for the last 25 years. I just don’t see how you top an era that included Elvis, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Zeppelin, The Clash, Queen, etc., etc.
Dustin Diamond made a sex tape, then claimed it was stolen and being sold on the internet, like the Pam Anderson ones. He appeared on several talk shows promoting it, saying that he needed the money to save his house.
That Van Halen video is horrendous. What on Earth are they doing? Roth looks to be in pretty good shape, although he barely sings. Then again, Van Halen weren’t exactly heavy on vocals or lyrics. And while stadium/arena shows often stink, that performance is aweful. Eddie V.H. is always drunk.
Led Zeppelin at their peak were one of the best mainstream rock bands. Jimmy Page was an incredible guitarist. Robert Plant was a great vocalist. John Paul Jones and John Bonham provided the perfect rhythm. What is played on the radio (Stairway to Heaven/ Kasmir) does not do them justice. Listen to “How the West was Won” CD (Moby Dick and Dazed and Confused are excellent) and you can appreciate Led for what they were. Their influence can heard from artists including The White Stripes, The Strokes, Nirvana, Muse etc. Compare Led to bands such as Nickelback and Three Doors Down and you can see how much of a better mainstream rock band they were.
Now back to present day. When I was in college, I was incredibly excited by the Led Zeppelin “No Quarter” reunion. That turned out to be a disappointment. Robert Plant can no longer hit the high notes. Page has slowed down tremendously. And they experimented with weird Eastern instruments. When we saw Page and Plant at Continental, it was a huge letdown
I did see Robert Plant in Phoenix, Arizona back around ’02 but I just couldn’t get into it. I remember it was the day after the Great White rock club tragedy because I remember Robert Plant taking a moment to ask everybody to keep the victims in their prayers. It was cool seeing him and I thought he had a good voice but not being a fan I couldn’t tell. Oh wait-I think it was David Coverdale from Whitesnake. They both look the same.
Whoever it was, they were opening for the Scorpions who I really went to see. I guess that means I contradict myself about not understanding a previous generation’s bands to a slight extent. However I really can’t get into the Beatles or Led Zepplin unless it’s a cover song by a band I like. Then again, I have an Iron Maiden cover of Communication Breakdown and I still can’t really warm up to Zepplin.
I just hope the members of Led Zeppelin don’t hire the guy who tunes Eddie Van Halen’s guitar for their upcoming reunion concert.
Rob, I don’t think the tuning was the problem…….
sports store customers vs. video game store customers vs. comic book store customers; one of my favourite discussions on your show. and I think that would make a great ‘alien vs. predator’, ’dawn of the dead’ or ‘freddy vs. jason’ style action film.