If you’ve followed the classic gaming scene at all, or more likely, remember the Famous Nintendo Entertainment System……..Undoubtedly you remember the blinking screen when inserting a game and pressing the power button. Remember the solution back then? Blow onto the cartridge connector, maybe even spit in it! Well, the real solution was some type of cleaning solution and a Q-tip to clean the connectors. Even then, my 20 year old NES has gotten too annoying to use. I can’t play a game without cleaning it first, games which were originally mine and would not be dirty.
Modern Age Solution? The equally infamous 72-Pin Replacement “ZIF” connector. That’s right, just $4 bucks plus shipping, and I’ve got a new connector. To replace it?
Follow these directions: http://www.jandar.net/nes72pin/
Here’s my image via camera phone….
Wasn’t too hard….result? Well, almost all games now work on the first shot, no more blinking. Catch? Of course there is! Paunch curse and all. Try to get the game out of the system! You need Hulk Hogan’s 52 inch pythons, it’s that stuck in there. I think it gets looser with time, I hope. My thumb is in pain.
I should do that to my NES, too!
Worst case scenario, use the Wii virtual console to download the games
you want.