Our episode 100 improvised comedy extravaganza!
In this episode:
- Paunch in Time (Moses and the Ten Commandments),
- the dueling Dr. Phils’ new album,
- a skit about the Paunch bad luck (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire part two),
- Louie Anderson’s new hit single,
- another physics experiment with the fake Julius Sumner Miller (pressure),
- What Ever Happened To? (Gwyneth Paltrow),
- and The Paunch Stevenson Show Presidential debate on Larry King Live featuring Bill Maher, Sean Connery, Christopher Walken, Bill Cosby, Dr. Phil, “The Macho Man” Randy Savage, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Gary Busey, Stan Lee, Louie Anderson, Billy Connolly, and Larry the Cable Guy.
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YES! 100 episodes. All the kudos go to Rob for editing the show. And did I catch a Jimmy Crack Corn in there somewhere?
Thanks to all our friends and fans.
Yes, thanks to everyone for supporting the show. Greg and I have fun doing it, but it helps to know people are listening and enjoying it, too.
Episode 100 was especially difficult to put together because my computer’s mouse has decided to do whatever it wants to.
Who let the hobo into the Presidential debate?
What! blame it on the mouse? Worst excuse ever. Ha ha.
Rob and Greg,
Congratulations on P.S. #100. I just finished listening and I laughed a lot. I think the funniest part was the bloopers at the end. I haven’t been with you guys since the start, but have been listening for over a year. Keep on putting out shows for at least another 8 years (I can retire then) so I have something to listen to while I deliver the mail. If you ever are in Roselle Park, let me know, lunch for Paunch is on me. By the way, did you guys realize that you killed Chuck Heston on show 99, that was a freaky coincidence.
Thanks for the comment and the compliments, Manny! Unfortunately, Charlton Heston isn’t the first celebrity we’ve jinxed. There was “Grandpa” Al Lewis and several others, too. Greg could probably list some of them from memory.
Regarding the outtakes at the end of episode 100, the thought of Dr. Phil singing “Banana Boat” was just too ridiculous, even for me. I eventually managed to complete the song, but just barely. As you could probably hear, I was on the verge of laughing the entire time, hence my poorer-than-usual impersonation.
By the way, I found out about Frank’s live fifth anniversary show too late. It sounds like you had fun and I would’ve liked to have gone. I need to check The Overnightscape web site more often.
I think we jinxed Darren McGavin, Jack Palance, Boris Yeltsin, and Phil Rizzuto to death. And right after talking about him, Louie Anderson had to have like 16 operations.
The Banana Boat outtakes were my fault, because Rob’s Dr. Phil singing that Day-O line sounds so absurd I kept laughing and then he would.
Manny, I’d say our first 30 episodes were heavy on the original skits and stuff. As for Roselle Park, I will be riding a bicycle down through there in a month on this crazy all day trip. I’ll joke about it on the next episode if I remember.
Congrats on 100 episodes!! Here’s to 100 more.
I’m halfway through Ep. 100. I think it’s the funniest show you guys have done – or at least the funniest one I’ve listened to! Keep up the great work!
Here’s another Dueling Dr. Phil for you…
Hey guys – WOO HOOOO!!! Episode #100! What?! How did this happen?? It’s already been this long?! That’s great! Congrats guys! Keep it up!! I’ll also be emailing you guys later this week on “That Asian Thing” being part of an online film competition. You guys and everyone in the world can finally watch it.
ANYHOO – keep on truckin! Good luck and hopefully another 100 episodes are in store….

Dennis and Jonald, thanks for listening, thanks for supporting the show, and thanks for being guests! Episode 101 will be online in a couple of days and will be awesome.
an entire episode of outtakes please! and whatever happened to gwyneth paltrow? i think she’s english now, isn’t she? or being held hostage by madonna…