In this episode:
- movies in the 1980s in which boys switched bodies with their fathers,
- The Kid from Brooklyn Mike Caracciolo (The Joker video, Superman video),
- “Macho Man” Randy Savage wrestling “Weird Al” Yankovic (video),
- Pee-wee Herman’s upcoming Broadway show,
- the Angry Video Game Nerd’s review of obscure video storage media,
- RCA’s Capacitance Electronic Disc (CED),
- John Logie Baird’s phonovision from 1927,
- Michael Bay firing Megan Fox from the upcoming movie Transformers 3 (2011),
- the upcoming Jaws movie starring Tracy Morgan,
- Three Men and a Bride (2012) starring Steve Guttenberg and Tom Selleck,
- director Guillermo del Toro quitting The Hobbit,
- the Lost exhibit in NYC (Our Pictures),
- our book report shortcuts in school,
- and Optimus Prime dying after one shot.
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I was reading about CED a couple of months back. In some ways it sounded like a pretty shitty format, because like vinyl LPs, you have a limited number of plays and they’re prone to skipping. Supposedly you also had be pretty careful about stylus replacements, or you’d end up trashing your movies. It pretty much combines the worst qualities of VHS and record players.
Believe it or not, there was another format in the early 80s called VHD “videodisc” that was similar to CED with many of the bugs worked out, but it seemed to have been more popular in Japan. I guess these things are fairly collectible now, but I think I’ll pass on this one.
JP, just imagine if stupid RCA had released the CED format 10+ years earlier like they could have? They would have started home video a decade earlier.
It’s amazing how many decades it took to finally get home video off the ground and into the mainstream…and now within the last several years, we’re able to put movies and TV shows on palm-sized touch screen devices. It seems like we were struggling with technology for so long, and then almost overnight we have gadgets that can do anything.
‘vice-versa’ is my personal favourite body-switch film – i even saw it when it came out. on paper, watching / listening to a review of obscure storage media should be mind-numbing, yet it really held my attention; really interesting. i’ve seen ‘the hobbit’ trailer – it looks so unfocused and confusing. andy serkis somehow continues to get work…