In this episode:
- the iPhone 4 on Verizon,
- a stupid style (sweater parties),
- a Five Guys correction,
- The Ron and Fez Show stealing our “This Man Is not Dead” bit,
- Australian comedian James Smith talking about seppos,
- making posters in elementary school for S.E.P.P.O. disabled competitive sporting events,
- Robopocalypse vs. the Roboplastic Podcastalypse,
- counterfeit versions of The Paunch Stevenson Show,
- old toy robots we’ve never heard of (Lords of Light, Micronauts, Interchangeables, Starriors, and Robo Force),
- Greg and Rob randomly seeing each other on the bus to NYC,
- the Paunch luck (Greg getting ripped off at a Chinese buffet in Manhattan),
- celebrity deaths (Gerry Rafferty, Captain Beefheart, Blake Edwards, and Bob Feller),
- our movie review of The Other Guys (2010) staring Will Ferrell,
- Michael J. Fox’s outtakes from The Frighteners (1996),
- AVGN James Rolfe’s interview with Marty McFly voice actor AJ LoCascio,
- Michael Gambon on British TV show Top Gear telling a crazy story about Christian Slater,
- Michael Caine on British TV show Parkinson doing an impersonation of himself and Sean Connery,
- and George Martin’s horrible 1998 album In My Life featuring Robin Williams, Bobby McFerrin, Jim Carrey, Sean Connery, and Billy Connolly.
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When I first glanced through the show notes I thought it read “a stupid style (sweater PANTIES)” and I thought that really was dumb!
This show was great because the underlying theme was what I refer to as synchronicities of thought and how very similar ideas sometimes occur to totally different people but at nearly the same time. The simultaneous development of similar ideas is a crazy phenomenon but I see it a lot. I remember I originally started my blog on MySpace and titled it “Please Save Me Robots” and shortly thereafter I was looking around and some other guy had already started a blog called “Save Me Robots”! Luckily his was dead before I started but I still felt like my original idea wasn’t so original anymore.
Then when I thought I’d be unique and retitle my blog “The Roboplastic Apocalypse” a couple weeks later I found out there was already a Nintendo DS game called “Robocalypse”! And the guy who wrote the book that this Robopocalypse movie is being based on came up with that name like back in ’05! So there is no winning. Everything’s been thought of already. The best I can hope for is to really do something unique with the concepts that I think maybe might be original and hope in the execution that my idea is different from how someone else would do it.
I couldn’t cease and desist anybody for putting “robot” and “apocalypse” together any more than you guys could have thrown each other off that bus you were on because you were both on it. We’re all on the same bus sometimes. It’s crazy but it’s like the theorem of the million monkeys eventually typing Shakespeare. Given enough time we will all come up with the same ideas. The craziest thing is that if I’m right about simultaneous idea development, there probably IS a Russian version of the Paunch Stevenson Show podcast called something like the Pyotr Sevastyan Show and it’s happening right now and they’re laughing wondering if you guys exist!
Sweater panties…I think those would actually come in handy this winter. It’s been extremely cold here in northern NJ and NYC!
Frank Nora from The Overnightscape podcast (and now The Frank Nora Show) is very into synchronicity. I learned about that from him. I even experienced one yesterday.
I’d love to hear the Pyotr Sevastyan Show. Imagine two guys in their early 30s in Siberia talking about ALF, Louie Anderson, and Dr. Phil. That’d be hilarious.
i hope you don’t block me, but those odd sweaters parties look quite a good laugh. maybe a mate and myself could do a few paunch stevenson bits in our accents, and even though in english; it would be unintelligible to american ears.