In this episode:
- Our ideas for re-dubbing the latest Michael Bay Transformers movie,
- the Rupert Murdoch UK phone hacking scandal,
- undercover sleuth work by Hugh Grant,
- Norm MacDonald announcing the O.J. Simpson verdict on Saturday Night Live,
- cracking passwords using social engineering,
- the “Ralphige” real Michael Jackson prank call (link),
- a fifth child on the way for Kevin ‘K-Fed’ Federline,
- the arrest of former informercial star Don Lapre,
- Tony Little HoMedics Micropedic Sleep Pillows,
- Ted Danson to star on the next season of CSI,
- Barney Miller,
- return of Curb Your Enthusiasm,
- why the Golden Girls is still funny (video),
- US Marines asking Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake on dates,
- Rob’s failure to book Tami Erin, star of The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988) on the show,
- emulating classic PC games using DOSBOX,
- downfall of modern gaming franchises and developers (Hitman, Max Payne, Project Gotham, LucasArts),
- Copyright Alert System,
- and a celebrity death (Roberts Blossom).
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‘the golden girls’ – a somewhat forgotten, and i must admit, underrated sit-com. on the surface, it seems gentle and harmless, but if you look back on it as a mainstream show you can see it was surprisingly subversive and yet funny. the type of show you could watch with your grandma and laugh at the same jokes but appreciate it on different levels at the same time. which i’m not ashamed to admit i did!
Did you ever see the lousy Golden Palace spin-off? It was terrible.
i did… they did a remake in britain called ‘brighton belles’. i need to get out more…