In this episode:
- another Paunch road trip on the Garden State Parkway,
- Bruce Springsteen talking like George W. Bush,
- What Ever Happened To? (Brett Butler),
- celebrity deaths (Donna Summer and Robin Gibb),
- who to blame for the pitiful Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978) film?,
- Arsenio Hall winning Celebrity Apprentice 5,
- Adam Carolla, Lisa Lampinelli, Aubrey O’Day,
- our ideas for the next Celebrity Apprentice cast,
- the upcoming movie G.I. Joe Retaliation being delayed until 2013,
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero renamed Action Force in Europe,
- James Bond producers sell out to Heineken and dump the vodka martini,
- the upcoming 007: Legends game, yet again featuring Daniel Craig in old Bond movie recreations,
- American Ninja Warrior fail,
- Adam Sessler and Kevin Pereira’s departure from G4,
- Bait Car on TruTV,
- Michael McKean hit by a runaway car in New York City,
- Dana Carvey’s SNL audition, singing “Chopping Broccoli”,
- people asking “did you get a haircut?”,
- our review of the two Star Wars spinoff Ewok Adventure (1984/1985) movies,
- shout out to new listener markusman64ds on the Digital Press forum,
- anyone remember old British cartoon show Dr. Snuggles?,
- millionaire executive Thomas Langenbach caught stealing LEGO toys from Target,
- What Ever Happened To? (Henry Rollins),
- the upcoming celebrity dating show The Choice,
- and our road trip’s thrilling conclusion in Episode 197 coming soon!
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yes – it was ‘action force’ / ‘GI joe’ i was referencing. and it is true you could hear the original american dialogue track under the parts that were re-dubbed. on the ripcord figure UK filecard he was apparently born in manchester – my part of the world. i do remember ‘dr. snuggles’, but i didn’t really watch it much and was a bit too old for that style of cartoon at the time – around 10 – and all the great action cartoons were on anyway in those days. think yourselves lucky you have hair that can be asked about if it has been cut!
Yeah, Rob, when people ask about your hair it is kind of stupid but they’re really just trying to initiate conversation. They probably just want to talk to you and the usual “Captain Obvious” openers like talking about the weather and what the sports team did last night are so lame nobody wants to use them.
So instead they try something else, something more personal and tailored to the situation. They’re actually giving you a great opening to talk about yourself and since they’re the ones bringing you up they must find you interesting.
If you shut them down before the conversation starts by looking at them like they’re escaped morons from planet idiotroid, then you’re missing an opportunity to punish them by talking about yourself at length and/or promoting the podcast. I’d turn every obvious haircut comment into a Paunch Stevenson promotional opportunity, or at least bring up show topics. You never know which fellow coworker might also have a pop culture podcast (or maybe even just one about hair) and might be looking for someone they work with to come on their show.
“Trump Man! I sneak up behind people and strangle them with piano wire!”
Right when I think you couldn’t possibly dredge up one more corpse from the Stan Lee well of death, you pull something like that and…totally redeem yourselves!
That one works because Donald Trump almost always looks like he really did just get away with murder, which he has, in the sense that such a tacky, tasteless numbnuts has his own terrible television show and is rich enough sue entire nations like Scotland. Only in America? Let’s hope so. The world can do without more Trumps.
Love the field trip show idea.
All that’s left now is for you two to land yourselves the Sklar Brothers’ agent and you’ll be on television. Those two talent free hacks have pulled it off and so can you…er…I mean, you guys are actually funny.
And I enjoyed the commentary on “did you get a hair cut?”
The best answer to that question I’ve ever heard is “No, I got ’em all cut, Einstein.”
The Lego bandit is so stupid he validates everything I’ve ever thought about taxing the rich to pay for aid to the poor.
And while I’m at it, the “Bait Car” show is indeed hilarious, but mostly in the sense that this country constantly cries about paying taxes to fund things like drug rehab clinics for those who cannot afford such “luxuries”, but people will pay taxes all day long to set cops up on entrapment stunts like the Bait Car, undercover marijuana buys from teenagers, etc. – all to bust people who could almost always use a stint in rehab and some vocational training. Rehab is far cheaper than incarceration, but people generally don’t think things through and respond on a guttural level. Bait Car is all about guttural pleasures. It is a very strange vicarious thrill to watch, sort of like “Boot Wars” or “Cops” or “The Passion of the Christ” – all shows that leave you feeling “Glad that wasn’t me!”
Ha! Cracked myself up.
Have a good one.
Steve, we love our road trips, but the audio wasn’t too good this time, thanks to having the wrong setting on the recorder and it picked up all that car on road noise, which you don’t even hear as you’re driving.
Don’t forget the conclusion is coming next week!
PS: In Europe the incarceration rate is minute compared to here. Sadly, we have a prison industrial complex that is out of control. I personally have zero interest in drugs of any kind, but I am as firm as Bill Maher in wanting the drug war to be ceased immediately. All it does is fund prisons, lawyers, drug dealers and Mexican cartels.
Sorry, I used a different setting on the recorder and the driving made it go crazy. Our voices are still intelligible, but I’m a perfectionist and always want the sound quality to be better. Now I know for next time.
David, thanks for clarifying about the G.I. Joe/Action Force voices. I’m shocked at how cheaply they overdubbed them! We could’ve done a better job ourselves.
Esteban, you’re right- people are probably trying to make conversation with me. I guess it’s another one of those things that I just have to smile and go along with.
Steve, I think Trump is a vampire because he hasn’t aged since the 1980s. And have you seen his son Eric? He looks like an inbred version of Donald.
And I’d love to have the Sklar Brothers’ agent. Maybe we’re too talented though.