Special co-host “Alex” from NJ, collector extraordinaire!
In this episode:
- Star Wars Rogue One Review,
- the new characters, the homages, the CGI recreations,
- celebrity death (Carrie Fisher),
- James Cameron to make a new Terminator film?,
- upcoming Alien Covenant thoughts,
- The Man in the High Castle,
- Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior reunion in New York,
- featuring Bruce Spence, Virginia Key, Vernon Wells, Emil Minty and Kjell Nilsson.
The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2) Reunion @ Wintercon 2016
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‘rogue one’ could have been grittier and more imaginative. a wasted opportunity i thought but i thought overall it was quite enjoyable. the CGI faces on some of the characters – espeically princess leia – was uncanny valley unsettling. on that subject, they could have executed a twist with the jayna character surviving and that monicker being an alias to reveal she was princess leia all along. and the robot stole the show, which i suppose tells you all you need to know about the characters. the minute of vader is worth price of entry alone – what episode III should have been for two hours.