Special co-host “Space Man David” from UK!
In this episode:
- Donald Trump,
- Brexit for breakfast,
- the hipsters LOVE obscure British television,
- debating Ridley Scott,
- debating Ben Affleck,
- Ringling Bros. Circus is done,
- Shia LeBeouf’s nutty protest,
- celebrity deaths (George Michael, Dick Gautier),
- discussing the snotty Daniel Craig,
- The Predator (2018),
- bad Die hard and Terminator films,
- The Man in the High Castle,
- 11.22.63 staring James Franco,
- Stranger Things,
- The Experts (1989) starring John Travolta and Kelly Preston,
- who played Dungeons and Dragons?,
- why Bayformers still suck,
- and British performers Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, aka Vic and Bob.
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britain has collapsed since brexit. oh no… wait, nothing’s changed.
Yes it has! A new princess that I’ve actually met!