Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone: 1985 vs. 2007
Sylvester Stallone played the mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran John J. Rambo in the movie First Blood (1982) and in the two sequels Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) and Rambo III (1988). Now, he is starring in the upcoming sequel Rambo, in theaters January 25, 2008.

Does Stallone expect us to believe he can single-handedly defeat an entire army at age 61? The movies were barely believable when he was in his 30s.

Two-year anniversary special

The Paunch Stevenson Show two-year anniversary special, episode 88, will be online Wednesday night, October 31, 2007. If there are any topics you’d like us to discuss, leave a comment here.

Update: We have decided to make our two-year anniversary special two parts. Part one is now online (episode 88) and part two is coming next week. Keep posting your ideas and topics!