Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of The Year Award

Tom Cruise is the winner of The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of 2006 Award.

In an April 2006 interview with GQ conducted while his wife Katie Holmes was pregnant, Tom Cruise said, “I’m going to eat the placenta.” Four months later, Paramount ended its 14 year relationship with Cruise’s production company. We’re not surprised.

Web sites that mention The Paunch Stevenson Show

We’re keeping a list of web sites that mention The Paunch Stevenson Show. Automated podcast directories don’t count. So far, we’ve found:

Noelle Hancock links to our Ted Danson Hall of Lame entry in her Us Weekly “Celebrity News” column, posted on September 3, 2007:
web page

Tricky-Dick links to us on his StumbleUpon web site review page, posted April 6, 2007:
web page

Joseph Speranzella credits us for the photo of Kevin Federline and Britney Spears in his article “Britney Spears and Kevin Federline Reach a Divorce Settlement,” published April 02, 2007:

Dr. Geordie Rose links to us in his blog entry about Alf’s song “Melmac Girls,” posted on March 22, 2007:
blog entry

Ian Bourne, also known as AirBourne, links to us in his blog entry about Scott C. Clements and The Scarlet Avenger, posted on March 14, 2007:
blog entry

Filmmaker Scott C. Clements links to us in two of his blog entries about his movie serial The Scarlet Avenger, posted on March 11, 2007, and March 20, 2007:
3/11/07 blog entry
3/20/07 blog entry

Freaking News links to us at the bottom of their “James Bond Puff Daddy Pics” page, posted by playakb on November 5, 2006:
web page

Mena links to us in her blog entry about the Muppet character Sam the Eagle, posted on July 19, 2006:
blog entry

Greg Johnson links to us at the end of his blog entry on May 31, 2006:
blog entry

Ojrifkin links to us in his blog entry about competitive eating podcasts, posted on March 28, 2006:
blog entry

Esteban De Anda, also known as Evil King Macrocranios, lists us as one of his favorite podcasts:

We are listed on Frank Edward Nora’s New Time Radio web site:
web site

Let us know if you find any other web sites that link to us or mention us. Thanks!

Donald Trump

Donald TrumpThe Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of The Year Award
Donald Trump is a real estate developer and currently has a net worth of $2.9 billion. In 2004, he became the host of his own reality game show The Apprentice and filed a trademark application for the phrase “You’re fired.”

Donald Trump is the winner of The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of 2012 Award.