
The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of The Year Award

Normally one big time dimwit gets to win The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of the Year Award. Well in 2010, one award was not enough for the cesspool of loserdom otherwise known as American politics. It was a banner year.

1) The “Tea Party” were in full force on the prime issues of the day, first and foremost, that President Obama did not have a birth certificate. Throughout the year, spillover from 2009 in fact, was the battle over Healthcare. Well, the lack of affordable healthcare. As the right wing screamed and yelled about socialism, working people continued to get the shaft. Get sick, don’t look at us, it’s your problem.

2) Those lovelies were egged on by the grand phony himself Glenn Beck of Fox News.

3) Let’s not forget the lack of climate change reform, which has led to a miserable winter where snow is everywhere. More importantly, who can forget the decades of political favors paid to the oil industry. They returned the favor by causing the worst oil spill in US history. BP Chairman Tony Hayward reacted by complaining about not being able to get back to his yachting.

4) And lastly, our wonderful home state of New Jersey has a new Governor, Chris Christie, who fought with everybody. That’s not what annoys us. He canceled a project that was long underway to add rail access, via a new tunnel from NJ to NYC. If there’s one thing we absolutely abhor, it’s our commute to and from work, whether on the roads or on the trains. Any project that lessens the congestion is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, the governor didn’t think so.

John Lennon’s 70th

Today would have been John Lennon’s 70th birthday. They have started a You Tube channel for him, coinciding with yet another compilation album release of his songs by you know who. Anyhow, on the You Tube channel, there are many birthday wishes recorded by celebrities and fans. Two we’ll share are fellow Beatle Ringo Starr, and quite a strange greeting from Jeff Bridges…

Apparently Julian and Yoko have made up, which we guess is nice…

Greg Guests on The Frank Nora Show

This was fairly impromptu, but Frank Nora, the Babe Ruth of Podcasting, was at the NAVA (North Atlantic Videogame Aficionados) meetup at the Digital Press Video Game store in Clifton, NJ, this past weekend, as was Greg. So we did a short interview. Frank you may remember was our guest on Episode 90 of the Paunch Show almost 3 years ago.

We talked about:

  • small US states,
  • the oldest living celebrity who recently died (Mitch Miller),
  • the Gabor sisters,
  • Frank’s tickets to Pee Wee on Broadway,
  • theatrical plays shown on closed circuit movie screens,
  • Journal Square in Jersey City, NJ,
  • Belleville Turnpike backroad through a marsh,
  • collecting classicvideo games,
  • Need for Speed World free MMO racing game.

Listen to this episode:
Episode 1557 of the Frank Nora Show on The Overnightscape Underground
(Greg appears at the 23 minute mark).

Happy 80th Birthday to You Know Who!

The one, the only, Sir Sean Connery. Don’t worry, we paid him $1 million dollars!

This is what Connery had to say….

“I’m swimming every day and I’m even trying to get the golf swing working again – but that might take a little bit longer.

“During the summer, I wasn’t in pain but I wasn’t feeling great. I came to the Edinburgh Film Festival in June then, when I left for the south of France, I realized I’d lost a little bit of weight and needed to change my regime. I’ve done that and the last few days have been pretty special with the family here.

“We’ve eaten non-stop and it has been a great celebration.”

Other birthdays today include THE Regis Philbin, Gene Simmons, Elvis Costello, Tim Burton, and Billy Ray Cyrus.