In this episode, after 8 years on the air…
- Static Radio Podcast with Miles Tidal and Bob LeMent,
- Corey Feldman,
- celebrity deaths (Lou Reed, David Frost, Tom Clancy, Hal Needham),
- Cannonball Run,
- Lou Scheimer, founder of Filmation animation studio,
- Jaleel White will appear at the June 2014 Philadelphia Wizard World convention,
- Rob and Greg had the same pair of Fayva Olympian sneakers in the 3rd grade,
- using ‘a’ or ‘an’ before h-words,
- review of World War Z (2013), starring Brad Pitt,
- review of After Earth (2013), starring Will and Jaden Smith,
- Karate Kid (2010) remake thoughts,
- draconian Blu-ray disc DRM security means more piracy,
- The Goldbergs, new ABC sitcom about the 1980s, starring Jeff Garlin,
- Facebook jumping the shark,
- Rob’s invention idea for home security against burglars,
- our review of Searching for Sugar Man (2012),
- and Detroit folk singer Sixto Rodriguez.
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