The End is Here! Or is it?
Join Rob, Greg & The Overnightscape’s Frank Nora on a 3 Hour Tour!
In this episode:
- the origins of the Paunch Stevenson Show,
- a history with Gerard Way,
- trading CD’s and albums in,
- our own Bill Murray Stories,
- celebrity deaths (Super Dave Osborne, Gloria Vanderbilt, Peter Mayhew, Bill Buckner, and Stan Lee),
- fireworks are legal now,
- the curse of the Bambino,
- A Hard Day’s Night and Dig It,
- car air fresheners,
- ridiculous prices for celebrity video greetings,
- cheating on school book reports,
- marathoning classic sitcoms,
- George Constanza ripped off Larry Appleton,
- Nancy Walker, Bounty paper towel spokeswoman,
- the fat guys of pro wrestling from the old days,
- Geraldo Rivera’s dumb 1980s gimmicks,
- Weird Al’s future prospects,
- Uncle Floyd,
- bad impersonators of the 1980s,
- Learn at Home infomercials with Sally Struthers,
- depressing sitcom theme songs of the 1970s,
- secrets of disco,
- imposters recording new Michael Jackson music,
- all the new video game mini’s,
- whatever happened to VR?,
- thanks to all our listeners and many great guests!
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