In this episode:
- Our ideas for re-dubbing the latest Michael Bay Transformers movie,
- the Rupert Murdoch UK phone hacking scandal,
- undercover sleuth work by Hugh Grant,
- Norm MacDonald announcing the O.J. Simpson verdict on Saturday Night Live,
- cracking passwords using social engineering,
- the “Ralphige” real Michael Jackson prank call (link),
- a fifth child on the way for Kevin ‘K-Fed’ Federline,
- the arrest of former informercial star Don Lapre,
- Tony Little HoMedics Micropedic Sleep Pillows,
- Ted Danson to star on the next season of CSI,
- Barney Miller,
- return of Curb Your Enthusiasm,
- why the Golden Girls is still funny (video),
- US Marines asking Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake on dates,
- Rob’s failure to book Tami Erin, star of The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988) on the show,
- emulating classic PC games using DOSBOX,
- downfall of modern gaming franchises and developers (Hitman, Max Payne, Project Gotham, LucasArts),
- Copyright Alert System,
- and a celebrity death (Roberts Blossom).
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