Rob returns to go through a box of old junk!
In this episode:
- the Silver Beatles,
- Abbott and Costello,
- Wonderwall (1968) featuring the music of George Harrison,
- Weird Paul Petroskey,
- Rhino’s VHS releases of Get a Life,
- George Carlin’s CDs,
- Ladystein- the band that Rob scuttled our Angry Video Game Nerd interview for way back in episode 106,
- recording NES and SNES video game soundtracks and selling them on eBay in 2000,
- who the hell is Corn Mo?,
- more VHS tapes (Richard Lewis, Pink Panther, Betty Boop, and Droopy),
- BCI’s Filmation He-Man and the Masters of the Universe DVDs,
- Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) on Netflix,
- Rhys Darby,
- The National Videogame Museum in Frisco, TX,
- meeting Mean Gene Okerlund, Damon Wayans, Dee and Mac from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Larry King, Jon Lovitz, Jeff Goldblum, Paul Schaffer, and the real Adam Goldberg,
- Norm MacDonald, too,
- and the indie instant messenger video game Emily is Away.
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