Since we’re now in the 10th year of the life sentence that is The Paunch Stevenson Show, here’s the oft-mentioned aborted attempt at our first episode. It was riddled with audio distortion by the air conditioner in Greg’s car, the slightest bit of profanity, and a lot of offensiveness/silliness which we apologize for in advance. Blame Esteban, he insisted we release this!
We recorded this on Saturday, June 4, 2005, while driving around the Jersey Shore in Greg’s car, using an old laptop Rob bought from Craig’s List.
In this episode:
- Nintendogs,
- officially released $40 pornography on the Sony PSP,
- Rob’s awful roommate nightmare,
- the seemingly never-ending spew of bad video games on the Commodore 64,
- Japan’s love of virtual pets and robots,
- and even more complaining.
Download this episode:
30 minute MP3 file – 13.5 MB (right-click to save)
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