In this episode:
- the death of the Big Man, the Kid from Brooklyn, Mike Caracciolo,
- Big Man interviewed by the IBEW (video),
- the 1982 book Video Invaders! by Stephen Bloom,
- looking at old high school yearbook scans at the Belleville Public Library in NJ,
- descreening when using a scanner,
- Harrison Ford to appear in The Expendables 3 (2014),
- Bruce Willis fired by Sylvester Stallone,
- short review of 42 (2013), starring Harrison Ford and Chadwick Boseman,
- review of Taken 2 (2012), starring Liam Neeson,
- a Rob-view of It’s a Disaster (2012), starring David Cross and Erinn Hayes,
- another Rob-view of Nature Calls (2012), starring Patton Oswalt and Johnny Knoxville,
- review of View From the Top (2003), starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Christina Applegate,
- Bankrupt by Beanies (2013) documentary,
- and Princess Rescue– a new homebrew Super Mario Bros. clone for the Atari 2600.
Rob’s infamous appearance in the 1993-94 High School Yearbook!
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