In this episode:
- movies in the 1980s in which boys switched bodies with their fathers,
- The Kid from Brooklyn Mike Caracciolo (The Joker video, Superman video),
- “Macho Man” Randy Savage wrestling “Weird Al” Yankovic (video),
- Pee-wee Herman’s upcoming Broadway show,
- the Angry Video Game Nerd’s review of obscure video storage media,
- RCA’s Capacitance Electronic Disc (CED),
- John Logie Baird’s phonovision from 1927,
- Michael Bay firing Megan Fox from the upcoming movie Transformers 3 (2011),
- the upcoming Jaws movie starring Tracy Morgan,
- Three Men and a Bride (2012) starring Steve Guttenberg and Tom Selleck,
- director Guillermo del Toro quitting The Hobbit,
- the Lost exhibit in NYC (Our Pictures),
- our book report shortcuts in school,
- and Optimus Prime dying after one shot.
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